Lawyer Valeria Simeoni

  • She graduated from Federico II University in Naples, with thesis in public economic law regarding Project Financing.
  • She became lawyer in Naples, where she worked.
  • She moved from Naples Bar Association to Rome Bar Association.
  • She has been cooperating with Panella law firm since 2005.
  • She taught an intensive preparatory program for the bar exam of Maieutica Management School in Rome.
  • She graduated in politics and international relations from Federico II University in Naples with thesis in “UN peacekeeping operations”.
  • She is a lecturer about Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law at law school “Vittorio Emanuele Orlando” of Rome Bar Association.
  • She is a lecturer at the School of Specialization for Legal Professions of the Faculty of Law at Sapienza University of Rome.
  • She has been cassationist since 28 September 2018.